-BUZZ! zice de colo un good ol` friend. Ca tuh...sa va bag si sa va scot si sa va asa si pe dincolo, si sa va mai bag o data, sa fie clara treaba.
-Stai asa, ca nu pricep. Cine, fratzika? Pe cine? Care, cum, ce se petrece?
-Ca voi, ca muierile, ca toate! Ca sa va bag si sa asa mai departe (vezi randu` de mai sus)...
-Spune, draga prietene, ce-ai pe suflet. Dar daca se poate, fara sa ma bagi si pe mine si sa ma scoti, ca sa ai iara unde ma baga, ca sunt usor irascibila la o asemenea abordare si s-ar putea sa nu se stie.
-Ca, tuh femeie, cum dracu` sa ti-o spun mai clar: is peste poate de nervos.
-Peste care poate?
-Peste poatele mele, ale unui barbat.
-Pai de-aia ca poatele voastre se termina mai repede decat ar trebui, la cata gura faceti ca sa va preaslaviti rezistenta de fier si masculinitatea infinita.
-...is ase nervos, ca daca ar fi acuma donsoara aici, cred ca m-ar manca palma...Explica-mi si mie: tie cat timp iti ia sa faci un dush, sa te epilezi si sa-ti faci un bagaj?
-Pai, fratzika, depinde. Stiu ca voua, masculilor, va place raspunsul asta elaborat, spus cu un suspin ganditor, cu iz de filozofeala... Depinde daca epilatul e scurt sau lung, daca e total sau partial, daca e la salon sau acasa, daca ceara e de calitate au ba. Apoi bagajul, si ala depinde. Daca mergem in Seychelles, ia ceva, ca pana imi gasesc eu flip-flopsii, ma ia mama dracu`. Daca simplificam totul si mergem un week end la cabana, sansele-s mari sa dureze sub 10 min. Dar, ti-am spus, depinde.
-...ca sa va bag s.a.m.d. !!!
NB: se pare ca amorezii pierdusera trenul spre paradisiacul kingdom of far-far-away din cauza gatelii donsoricii... nu ma bag, ca nu-s mecanic, da` dupa cum am spus, treaba depinde de mai multi factori, nu-i totul asa simplu precum pare la prima vedere pt un mascul.
Ma mir uneori din ce motive se pot certa componentii unui cuplu. Daca ma intrebati in clipa asta de ce ma cert eu cu un eventual batut de soarta care ar putea vreodata face parte din acelasi cuplu din care fac si eu parte, am sa imbratisez numaidecat acel suspin intelepto-filozofic si am sa insir motive demne de toate palariile jos, precum: comunicare deficitara, egotism, carenta de tandrete, indiferenta, imposibilitatea captarii unei frecvente comune. Fara vreo intentie explicita de a o lua pe ulei si a plonja intr-un sentimentalism exacerbat si imposibil de digerat pt o sambata seara relaxanta, tre` sa imi exprim parerea pe tema asta (ca doar e blogu` meu, deci ssshhht!) : unu la mana, totul tine de acel little thing called love. Care ori ii, ori nu ii. Daca nu-i, poti s-o freci in noroc cu motivele mai devreme enumerate, ca tot n-o scoti la capat. Daca ii, foarte bine, si acum trecem la doi la mana:
♂ ≠ ♀
ma-ntelegeti? Ar fi fost atatea alte cuvinte care sa exprime asta, dar vreau sa fiu sigura ca mesajul va fi captat si de mintea sexului tare, fapt pt care am supra-simplificat "esplicatia" pana la minim. O zi nu trece fara cel putin 10 exemple ce ne ustura retina si alte simturi si organe simtitoare, care sa vina in sprijinul formulei magice de mai sus. Ca sa am si-un back-up teoretico-stiintific (si meta-logic chiar), da, am citit Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. Si daca chiar vrem sa "vêtir l'idée d'une forme sensible", atunci citim frumos Metafizica sexului de Evola, mare om, mare caracter, si-o carte excelenta.
Da` nu-i musai. Putem sa citim sau sa nu citim, ca pe noi tot o sa ne manance la infnit aceasta problematica diferenta dintre sexe. Cateodata se gasesc argumente logice, alteori se prefera explicatii mai simpliste legate de organul cu care rationeaza un sex, spre deosebire de alt sex (care sex tare cica n-ar rationa mereu cu capu`...sau da, cu capu`, da` cu care cap? as zice mai degraba ca astea-s teorii old-fashioned, e pur si simplu o diferenta de nivel in ceea ce priveste localizarea encefalului...si nu, nici la sexul slab nu-i mereu acolo unde trebuie, creierasul! si-acuma aud in surdina corul masculin "pai muierile nu gandesc NICIODATA cu creierul, la ce bun o localizare corecta din punct de vedere biologic daca oricum nu-l folosesc?!!"). Adevarul e ca lupta asta pt ratiune si pt suprematia in ceea ce priveste disputa "eu-s mai cu mot!" e un non-sens. Cum dracu` sa semanam daca numai impreuna fac un tot, o femeie si-un barbat? Cum ar putea o femeie sa-si ghideze intreaga-i existenta dupa orientarile unui penis, cand el nici nu exista in pantalonii ei, ci in pantalonii aluia cu care tocmai se tot cearta?(din colectia "numai la futut iti sta capul!) Sau cum ar putea vreodata un barbat sa exceleze in a comunica cu o femeie, cand ea deja produce suficiente cuvinte cat sa acoepre ratia pt (cel putin aman)doi?(din colectia "duuuoooamne, cu ce ti-am gresit?! fa-o sa taca!) etc.
-Iubitu, stii ce zi e maine?
-Da, iubita, e duminica.
-Ah, deci nu aniversam nimic?
-Pai, nu stiu daca tii tu neaparat sa sarbatorim Ziua Aviatiei Americane...?! Putem sa facem si-asta, facem ce vrei tu, iubita.
-Bine, atunci tu sarbatoresti Ziua Aviatiei Americane, si eu ma duc la cina, sa sarbatoresc un an de cand suntem impreuna, ok, iubitu?
Actualmente, winampul meu oscileaza intre M. Ward si Ben Folds. Pusi pe repeat, alaturi de ultimul album U2. Asa ca luati aminte la versurile lui Ben Folds (scrise, by the way, pun pariu ca nu stiati! de Nick Hornby)
(The answer you seek my son only poses more questions.
Ask many women why relationship has failed.
Each woman offers unique reasons for demise.
One woman may say, "man could not commit."
Or, "man is douche, and is now free to make love to himself instead."
Another woman may say, "man had changed,"
or even, "man no longer satisfactory lover."
But my son, ask many men same question all over the world, "why has relationship failed?" Each man, each time, will give same, simple answer.) -> da-i sa sune melodia.
How it has come to this, I have never quite understood. Perhaps, i do. Logically, it is quite possible, in fact, inevitable that it came to this. I am sometimes tempted to be romantic -ok, rarely, but I sometimes am-(and for the sake of threading a perfect novel piece) to say that my heart don’t understand. But the truth is, my heart understands; in fact better than my mind. Months ago, even when laughter and conversation were ample, my heart had already began to beat the shuddery, shadowy beat. It is very much like music; if you were to listen carefully, you’ll hear the faint but definite background pulse going hand in hand with the main composition. That was precisely the case: the main tempo was the joyful, lighthearted beat (oh, how many times a day would I break into a laughter; crack a smile; lean on you and felt safe?) But vague and definite, the shadowy beat of guilt and uncertainty came along side the main tempo. Yes, my heart knew better; discerned better; in fact, much better than my mind would ever.
But it is precisely the sensitivity of the heart that makes it such a contradiction. It understands best for it is most sensitive to the changes in the tides of relationships: foreseeing these changes long before they occur; but yet, because of its sensitivity, it will hurt infinitely. The heart is a muscle, thus, it will ache; it will tire. The mind: a mass of nerves coldly detects, interprets and signals. It cannot tire or hurt.
And how i wished that my heart and my head worked together, flawlessly as a team: that the heart will sense and discern long before any disaster befall and the mind will logically persuade and convince the heart to evacuate from the place of danger. But alas! it is not so at all. The heart and mind, so often, so fantastically mix up their roles and play each other’s part that one is led to walk straigt into disaster, sit there in the middle of it all and not budge. The best part is: we tell ourselves, we have to endure and persevere through the pain. Now, you may wonder how is it possible that the heart and mind mix up their God given, divine roles? But is it not true? The mind does not properl our thoughts forward logically; instead it plays the nostalgic role of the heart and constantly stirs up memories of happier days, bad fights and should-have-been-long-forgotten-but-left-unforgotten pasts alike. And the heart? It illogically persuades and convinces us to make decisions and choose paths. No wonder we stay in the middle of crises to endure when all that we ever needed to do to stop the pain was to walk away.
Now, i have analysed the reason for pain; for sustained periods of gried and the factors that lead one to be “stuck in a moment” (U2) BUt is it of any practical use to me? Not quite. Except that i made a resolution to write this piece titled “Final Goodbyes” (Note: “goodbyes” not goodbye”. Because this is not the first time i said goodbye to this friendship or say it to you aprosophically and neither would it be the last. Until my mind and heart learn to play their own roles dutifully, uncompromisingly, and accurately, i will have to keep saying goodbyes)
“We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun”
How apt that everything is written in the past tense; but why then do we keep singing this song?
Because of the confusion of the heart and mind; that is why. And so we will just have to keep saying goodbyes.