Thursday, 5 February 2009

Ce-am fost si ce-am crezut ca am fost

5:01 PM Nicicand nu am avut asa o perioada nefasta pt blogareala.
Prin urmare, am sa incep prin a detalia vremea din Anglia la momentul scrierii acestui articol.
Aici ninge de doua zile si totul s-a blocat. Ma uit acum pe geam si vad casele acoperite de zapada, gardul e alb totalmente, strada e nepopulata, la fiecare geam vad clipocit de televizor, probabil lumea sta si isi bea five o`clock tea-ul, bucurandu-se de el mai mult ca niciodata, data fiind temperatura de -3 grade Celsius de afara. Tara intreaga e amortita sub 5 cm de zapada care au facut ravagii. Transportul e dat peste cap, oamenii sunt blocati, nu pot merge la joburi, facultatile trimit mail-uri studentilor spunandu-le sa stea acasa, ca sa nu isi puna vietile in pericol, prin urmare "In view of the adverse weather conditions, the decision has been taken to CANCEL ALL CLASSES TODAY.", la multe magazine vezi placute cu "due to winter conditions, the shop is now closed until the situation gets better". Multi dintre studenti (a.k.a. africani, indieni, unii asiatici) vad zapada pt prima data in viata lor. E incredibil cum o tara care se vrea a fi una din cele mai dezvoltate din lume e incremenita si speriata de niscaiva zapada.

5:03 PM Daca mi-ar fi bine, cu siguranta nu as vorbi despre vreme. Asta e specialitatea englezilor. Eu mi-s latina, nu stau sa disec firu`-n patru despre conditiile meteorologice.

Dar ceva se intampla in ultimul timp. Sufar de apatie. Nu imi pasa. De nimic.
Am sa continui in engleza, curge mai usor. Si parca maschez mai bine ceea ce in romana m-ar face sa par de-a dreptul patetica.
Sa-i spunem "Povestea de joi despre niste oameni pe care nu-i (mai re)cunosc"

5:05 PM You meet someone. He’s everything you ever wanted. You fall in love. You get to know each other, and guess what? He loves you too! Sparks are flying, and there’s magic in the air. You get along great, and as time goes by you realize how much you really have fallen for him. It seems nothing could go wrong, you’re both so in love with each other, you share everything together, you’re like an ideal couple, in every sense of the word.

Then it happened. Suddenly, you feel like it’s just not the same anymore. He’s no longer sweet, and thoughtful, and caring. He turned from being the most lovable person to practically a migraine-causing stranger. You wonder what you’ve done to cause such a change. You labor over endless assumptions and analysis just to explain why things aren’t working the way they were between the two of you. You wonder, does he still love me? You pluck up the courage to ask him, but he just shrugs and avoids giving you a definite answer. You feel more frustrated than ever. And yet, his actions are loud and clear, even though he’s not saying it to your face. The love he once had for you, is no longer there.

You try to deny it. You hope. That somehow, maybe… you’re wrong. That perhaps, he still loves you and there’s a perfectly good explanation for the way he’s been acting. You desperately want to believe that things will get better. But you know you’re not happy anymore. You cry yourself to sleep every night, trying to think of ways to save your relationship. Trying to revive a feeling that was once there but has died a natural death, trying to mend something that you know is broken beyond repair. But then you wake up, and the truth is staring you hard in the face, it’s OVER. No matter how much you try to deny it, his chapter in your life has come to an end.

So now comes the painful process of letting go. You know in your heart that you have to, that it’s the right thing to do, but you just can’t! You love him. You need him. So the natural tendency is to hold on. You tell yourself to just hold on… even though you know his heart doesn’t belong to you anymore. You come to a point where you blame yourself for what’s happening. But it’s not your fault. You need to understand that there are certain things in life that you can’t control. They need to happen because someone up there allows them to happen.

It’s hard letting go of someone that we have loved for so long. It’s painful to watch the people we love, walk away from us. But if they want to go, we need to let them go! It’s easier said than done, but then again love is never easy. It hurts like crazy, and it hurts so bad that we feel like we’re about to bleed from so much pain. No one can truly explain how painful it is, without having experienced it themselves. It’s not easy, and it will take time. But know this and trust in this, IT WILL GET BETTER. The age old cliché, Time heals all wounds, may sound boring and repetitive, but it’s true. Letting go allows you and your partner to become the people you were meant to be. You can’t control love. You can’t force someone to stay with you, if you know they’re not happy anymore. What you can do is move on. Believe that there’s someone out there who will love you with everything that they have and in the way you deserve to be loved.

If we really and truly love someone, their happiness should mean more to us than our own. It’s called selfless love. So many lovers in the world are put to this kind of test. Ask yourself. How much do you really love him? Do you love him enough to allow him to go where he’s happy, even if it’s no longer with you? Do you love him enough to allow him to be happy without feeling revengeful or bitter? Do you love him enough to let him go?

Letting go doesn’t mean we need to GIVE UP, it just means we need to GIVE IN… give in to the TRUTH, and learn to accept the fact that we may have lost love, but that doesn’t mean we won’t be able to find it again. Maybe we just needed to love the wrong person first, before we finally love the right one. And when we finally meet the one that’s meant for us, we will know, because nothing and no one can ever take that away from us. Understand this. Only then will we be able to see the beauty of LOVE for what it really is, and appreciate the twist and turns of this journey we call LIFE.
Je est un autre. Daca nu se gasea desteptul de Rimbaud sa spuna chestia asta, poate ajungeam eu copilul teribil al Poeziei. Asa, ce-am ajuns?


6 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

am vazut odata un film. mi-a placut; shrek se numea. cata magie in aerul din jurul indragostitilor! magarusul si d-na dragon, shrek si fiona... no offense, glumeam. si totusi imi amintesti de desenele animate: cant de pasarele, inimioare prin aer... :)

Anonymous said...

p.s. e drept ca prima data iubesti neconditionat persoana gresita. cel putin asa am patit eu. si am mai vazut si pe altii. dup'aia e o alta forma de dragoste. mai calma. dar mai durabila.

Daria said...

Unde-s pasarelele, unde-s inimioarele prin aer?
Am vazut si eu un film, mi-a placut tare. Kill Bill ii zicea. Cateodata se confunda sentimentele si nu mai stii pt care sa optezi.
Nu stiu daca exista persoana gresita, atunci cand filtrul e unul performant si pretentios. As zice ca exista mai degraba inconstienta, din care dup-aia rezulta indiferenta, si de-aici nu mai zic sa se stie. Indiferenta-i cea mai grea, zicea bulangiul ala de Chirila.

Anonymous said...

"...and there’s magic in the air."
filtrul poti sa crezi ca e performant, pretentios. sigur e subiectiv. mi-aduc perfect aminte de discutii in contradictoriu cu cei de varsta mea de-acum (iar eu aveam varsta ta). eram talentat :). dar si prea implicat. oricum (parca am mai zis undeva...) timpul rezolva. banuiesc ca d'asta a aparut proverbu' cu "daca n-ai un batran...". batranii, chiar daca se senilizeaza, se tampesc, au vazut cum a rezolvat timpul diverse probleme.

Viorica said...

Daria, ce frumos ai exprimat tu ceea ce bona copiilor mei sintetiza in trei cuvinte: "ustura dar trece"!

Anonymous said...

E.... e ceea ce aveam nevoie in clipa de fata! Multumesc :) si sper ca esti bine! Cand mai vii pe acasa? Mi-e dor sa povestesc cu tine.
Spun cei de la Bere Gratis ca: "E dragoste in lume, oricine poate spune, doar atunci cand doare, doare cel mai tare"