Nu, nu am sa scriu despre vizitatorii carcotasi ai blogului meu (vezi comment-uri de la postarile anterioare, semnate Chuck Norris). Sa fie sanatosi, dar nu suficient de sanatosi incat sa dea nastere la multi pui de chucks, ca dup-aia fac toti o revolutie si imi desfiinteaza blogul :))
Am auzit azi bancuri cu Michael Phelps. Mori, nu alta. Sunt ataaat de slabe. Adevarul e ca trebuia dat un suflu nou modei asteia cu bancuri. Acum ca tot s-au lansat colectiile de toamna-iarna, trebuiesc refreshuite si bancurile. Si pe cine sa alegem, pe cine sa alegem? Pe Chuck Norris l-am facut deja icoana, pe alea cu yo mama le-am epuizat, si pe dead baby la fel....asa ca hai sa facem bascau de Phelps, ca tot e de ultima ora si e popular...:))
Hurricane Gustav was slowed by Michael Phelps swimming clockwise in the gulf of mexico.
If track events were held in the rain, he’s win those too.
Michael Phelps has no girlfriend or wife…. he just chooses any female of his liking whenever he wants.
When Michael Phelps dives off the blocks this is the reason we have earthquakes.
When Jaws goes to sleep he has nightmares of Michael Phelps.
1. Newton’s First Law is wrong: Even if an external force is applied to Michael Phelps he will remain in the Michael Phelps state of motion.
2. Newton’s Second Law now states: The relationship between an object’s mass and its acceleration is the force Michael Phelps applies to them.
3. Newton’s Third Law is wrong: Although it states that for each action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, there is no force equal in reaction to Michael Phelps’ butterfly stroke.
Michael Phelps does not swim, He beats the shit out of the water until it takes him where he wants to go.
Michael Phelps once challenged Lance Armstrong in a “Who has more testicles?” contest. Michael Phelps won by 5.
There is no ‘ctrl’ button on Michael Phelps’ computer. Michael Phelps is always in control.
Michael Phelps doesn’t swim with sharks. Sharks swim with Michael Phelps.
Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Michael Phelps pajamas.
Si ca sa vedeti ca am dreptate cand zic ca Chuckie al nost` e detronat de multiplul campion Phelps:
Next Halloween, Chuck Norris is going as Michael Phelps.
Five unanswered questions from the Pelicot trial
14 hours ago
5 comentarii:
unele is cam trase de par... oricum acuma e atata tam-tam pentru michael phelps.
Ar trebui Shania Twain sa-si schimbe piesa aia... That don't impress me much...
Sti ca la un moment dat zice: "Okay, so you got a car? ... That don't impress me much"
Acum ar trebui sa zica: "Okay, so you won the Olympics. In several categories. That don't impress me much!!!! whooooouuuuuwhooouuuuu!"
Sic transit gloria mundi ! :D
S-a dus bietul Chucky ... :(
Ieri dimineata am auzit si eu primul banc cu Phelps, cred ca Vintila l-a zis, la Guerilla. Zicea asa:
“Stiti ce a facut Michael Phelps cand s-a nascut?
Nu, ce?
A rupt apa!”
Si dand apoi un google, am observat ca americanii au deja un site cu
Distrusii... l-au detronat pe Chuckie. Oricum, a rezistat ceva vreme, ca de cativa ani buni statea in lumina reflectoarelor pe scena bancurilor. Vreme trece, vreme vine...bancurile raman, personajele se schimba.
Am un singur regret - de ce nu este Bush cel mai tare in acest domeniu ?!?
Cred ca din cauza ca bancurile politice nu le intelege oricine, deci nu rade tot omul la ele. Astea cu Chuck sunt atat de dumb incat orice capatana le poate digera si pricepe. Desi se face misto de Chuck Norris, nu poti spune ca e tocmai comic de personaj. Chiar Chuck Norris stiu ca a dat un interviu referitor la bancurile despre el. In schimb, pe Bush nu-l prea vad facand asta, pt ca la el bancurile sunt bazate in genere pe gafe reale.
parerea mea, vorba aia :))...
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