I have a hundred thousand things I'm thinking about, working on, dealing with, going through, and at any given point during my conscious hours, I'm thinking about a) absolutely nothing b) a piece of music that won't get out of my head c) how I'm going to finish whatever project I'm on or d) what's new in my inbox. (You can see how I obviously have to think about and deal with serious issues, here.)
Lately, I'm scatterbrained even though I actually LOVE to be organized.
I need more sleep, more time, and more coffee. Definitely more coffee. Or black tea.
In other news, there is a new Indiana Jones movie. With Harrison Ford. But they don't want to let him use a real whip, due to safety concerns.
These are the things that plague me. Ah, what a life.
P.S.-And now that the dream`s over, let`s get back to work. Cause we`ve got a lot of it to do:))
Saturday, 22 November 2008
back to work,
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6 comentarii:
You need a holiday! Or a break from all of it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Bine ca ai timp sa ne canti si sa ne-ncanti, fetito! (la figurat, desigur) am zis ca trebuie sa-mi las aici pe blogul tau o dara de existenta proprie, sa ma simt si eu asa, o prezenta virtuala pe proprietatzurile altora. It's nice to have permanent info on how you're doing...poate ai auzit, cumva, cumva...azi a nins pt prima data in cluj ;))
@ George: sa nu-mi spui ca entry-ul asta m-a dat de gol. Eu care credeam ca e chiar optimist si cu un strop de energie... eh, lasa ca vine si vacanta, incet-incet. Sper sa mai supravietuiesc pana atunci. :)) Plus ca treaba cu having a bud now, si enjoying a break...nu-i tocmai dupa cum vrea muschiu` meu. Unfortunately.
@ Ale:niiii tu mah! Cu cine aveam onoarea in seara asta... ;;) Am auzit, am auzit. In munti e chiar skiabila treaba, partiile sunt ok. Mi-e dor de Cluj and it`s not just because of the snow. 8-|
Anyways...enjoy the beginning of the winter, ca sunt singura ca e tare frumos.
te minte ale! nu a nins!!!!!! sau cel putin eu nu stiu sa fi nins...
Eu am incredere in Ale. Si ca sa nu crezi ca am incredere numa` asa, de dragul increderii, ca prostu`...afla ca mi-a zis si mama ca a nins. Si in mama chiar am incredere deplina.
Da` tu pe unde-mi umbli de nu ai observat ninsoarea? Ma rog, am inteles ca n-a fost tocmai zdravana, dar de observat s-a observat, ca doar n-o fi asa nesimtita... :p
M-am trezit la 12.30...
si am inteles ca doar dimineata a nins. :)) Si cum nu s-a asezat deloc... sry, my mistake!
oricum, astazi cand m-am trezit (mai devreme, de altfel) inca era asezata. A fost mai frig azi, ce-i drept.
Oricum, am ajuns sa discutam "the weather"? :)))
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